Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Information Overload

When too much is just as bad as too little.

As a disabled person, I know that timely and up-to-date information is often a necessary part of my life and overall comfort. Keeping track of new medical discoveries, new drugs, new resources and new adaptive equipment can quickly become an overwhelming task. In this regard, the internet can be both a blessing and a curse, and more often than not finding what you want can be an exercise in frustration when presented with endless pages of links to a plethora of websites. This is why special websites, called "online directories" are such a good idea.

One such directory is the Online Yellow Pages. Just like its offline counterpart, the online version of the "Big Yellow Book" allows one to search for specific things in specific areas, thus narrowing the amount of information one must wade through in order to find meaningful results.

In addition to national online directories, we're now seeing a sudden growth in regional directories, tailored for specific groups in specific regions of the country. This trend is going to help the disabled community the most as the information age explodes and makes finding exactly what you want an increasingly difficult proposition.

We've needed something like this locally for some time now, and I'm happy to report that help is on the way. I have begun the daunting task of collecting as much relevant information as I can on agencies, products, services and resources that might be of interest to a disabled person (or a caregiver) living the NW Ohio region. The end result will be a new online directory website to be called the "Toledo Access Guide" (http://toledoaccessguide.info) -- and this is where you come in.

As I said, it's a daunting task. What I need most right now is information, and first-hand experiences. Obviously I can't visit every government building and agency in the greater Toledo area, but you have probably visited at least one or more. Your input would be invaluable as I collect the types of information on access and services that will make the Toledo Access Guide a useful "one stop" resource for our disabled community.

So how can you help? Know of a good resource (activity center, merchant, etc.) that you feel has goods or services that you'd recommend to another disabled person? Then please drop me an email at:


and I'll do my best to add it to the site as quickly as possible. I know that together, we can make a difference, and build something that we all can be proud of. So how about it, Buckeyes? Are you with me?

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